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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

tuesdae 29o8o6
cn euu read dis ? ;D
went t0 cw juz n0w !
had t0 rush back & it was rainninqq l0rhs ! ~.~
sian sian sians ~ ! ! ! !

wahahahas ` !
im in sch n0w !
-..- sian l0rhs !
stupid cca ! x)
ahhaas !
teehees ` -

QIN'x all time fav. ! (:

l0ok f0rhh lingx in dha pic :

euu'll lurfe her beautiful face ! (:
tralalalas ~

i l0ve her face
i l0ve her face
i love her beautiful face
lala la lalala lalala lala
w0n euu sae euu l0ve her[face] t0o ?

cn euu c me ?
cn euu c me ?

wen g0in h0me after cca, lingx was lyk high high until SIAO ! ~
dere were n0 cars at dha r0ad s0 i cr0ss it t0 get awae fr0m siao siao .
ahhaas. dhen she 0s0 cr0ss dhen i cr0ss .
s0 if she 0n dat side i 0n dha 0ther side .
ahhaas. we r cute ! :x
im a lil' sick t0o. ~.~
msg wif cute b0i at h0me. (:
he s0 kawai neyhs !

m0ndae 28o8o6
d0n0 wh0 is 0ur maths tchr.. ~.~
durinqq maths less0ns, n0 tchr came lehs.
bt mre tee came after awhile.
she let us discuss b0ut dha party we g0na h0ld.
dhen she juz went 0ut 0f dha klass.
came back 0nly 0nce.

dhen mdm rosna came in.
she 0s0 let us discuss.
everyting b0ut bringing dha food & drinks were cancelled last min.
btw, lingx g0t stinged by a bee..
ahhaas .

lingx, silly & me went t0 cw after sch.
g0 eat & went t0 civic center.
lingx b0ught ear rings. (:
chatted wif the "owner" 0f dha sh0p.
she fr0m china derhs..
she sh0wed us her s0n's pic.
n0t bad marhs..
ahhaas .
ask f0rhh his n0. bt she d0n wan gif .
went back t0 cw t0ilet .
silly l0st her ring .

dhen we walk here & dere..
went h0me at 6pm..
ply until wooHOO ` ]]

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 3:44 PM

Sunday, August 27, 2006

sundae 27o8o6
w0ke up at 10+am t0dae l0rhs..
s0 damn early.. -.-
waited f0rhh my br0 t0 g0 f0rhh his tuiti0n..
& here i am bl0ginqq..
everytime muz bl0qq s0 many many daes derhs..
well, i g0na g0 ply 02-jam lerhs..
teehees ` - ciao ciao ! :DD

saturdae 26o8o6
w0ke up at 12+pm..
quite early l0rhs.. -.-
dhen i was s0 sian.. -.=
at nite wen i was reachinqq f0rhh dha rem0te, ii kinda crawled t0wards it..
dhen dere was smthg 0n dha fl0or !
& it t0re my skin again !
waaas ! x'(
d0n rmb anyting else lerhs..
teehees ` -

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 3:14 PM

fridae 25o8o6
pe less0ns !
zul & fatin quarrel ?
zul cnnt take j0kes derhs..
s0 d0n j0ke wif him larhs !
hurt my finger... s0bs.

he went berserk again durinqq sci less0ns..
dhen we were evacuated 0ut 0f dha klass..
mr l0w came..
he c0oled d0wn & denied dat he threw dha table..
mr l0w sae "free peri0d arhs ? g0 inside larhs."
l0ls.. he is s0 scary & funniie..

[smthg happen] teehees ` -

went h0me t0 eat after sch..
lingx 0s0 f0ll0w me..
dhen g0 ply bball wif alan & lao pa[yan kang] !
ahaas !
dhen 'lao gong' came 0s0.. & aaron..

ply finish lerh, went back t0 sch..
cldn't find YYT..
saw threvin, bryan, colonel..
went t0 disturb dem..
jia r0ng was 0s0 dere..
he was irritated by me.
wahahahas ` ! xp

went t0 canteen t0 buy drinks..
t0ok 0ff my skirt & put behind YYT's bag..
t0ok my wallet wif me..
i scared l0st again. x'(
dhen went t0 central square..

lingx came after awhile..
sae cn next week dhen run 2.4km.
& sae her bag in red cr0ss r0om s0 i g0 take my skirt..
& put my wallet & skirt dere..
went t0 ply lerh l0rhs..

we[arcturus] v.s dis gr0up & dat gr0up..
dey[aquila, 1m3] v.s dis gr0up & dat gr0up.
& we met in dha finals !
wooHOO ! ]]
1m3 !
we had sec 3 ppl in 0ur gr0up t0 help us.. :DD

natasha keep askinqq atikah t0 defend me c0z i was dha captain..
l0ls ! i keep laughing at dem c0z dey keep kinda sc0ldinq each 0ther..
LOLS ! wahahahas ` !
& we WON !
woots ! :DD
arcturus g0t first in captain's ball
aquila g0t sec0nd
& polaris third !
yays ! :DD

went t0 red cr0ss r0om..
0pen my wallet c0z i wana return $1 t0 irene as she help me buy drinks juz n0w..
BT ! wen i 0pen my wallet.. 0nly haf 8o cents..
s0bs. my m0ney dissapear f0rhh n0 reas0n !
i cried.. x'( s0bs.
dhen went t0 cw after dat c0z my eyes very red..
d0n wana g0 h0me..
mr l0w 0s0 saw me cryinqq..

boarded dha bus & s0me ppl were starinqq at me c0z my eyes were s0 damn red l0rhs !
went h0me after g0ing t0 cw f0rhh awhile..

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 2:47 PM

thursdae 24o8o6
ms leong didn't c0me f0rhh ge0 less0ns..
it was 0ur free peri0d f0rhh tw0 less0ns !
shiok !
we did 0ur 0wn tings..
s0me ppl plan h0w t0 celebrate tchr's dae..
while me & s0me dudes ply wink murderer..
ahhaas !
s0 fun l0rhs ! xD

dhen we went t0 assembly after dat..
i sat beside 'lao gong'
dha assembly s0 b0ring l0rhs ! -.-*
went t0 dec0rate klass b0ard after sch..
didn't realy d0 anyting.. xp
iqbal was 0ur waiter..
ahhaas ! he help us buy f0od & drinks..

we sian lia0s s0 went t0 cw & ate..
s0 wei ting & her frens..
chatted & chatted..
dha wen zi s0 cute l0rhs ! :D
b0on yan was 0s0 dere..
dhen i wanted t0 g0 h0me..
ask lingx & qinx..
qinx stayed dere.. me & lingx went h0me l0rhs..

BTW, it was ms tan last dae !
h0w many times muz we change maths tchr ? ~.~

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 2:25 PM

wednesdae 23o8o6
f0rg0t wad happen in sch lerhs..
teehees ` -
went t0 cw wif silly & lingx after sch..
silly wanted t0 cut her hair..
bt we d0n0 cn g0 wer..
g0 888 very exp.
dhen we b0ught ball balls, sat d0wn & tink..
dha ph0t0 0f s0t0ng :


lingx had t0 g0 f0rhh HMT..
dhen me & silly g0 t0 bishan l0rhs..
c0z lingx sae dere haf saloon..
bt 0nly haf jean yip & ec h0use..
dhen we went back t0 cw again.. -.-
went int0 cw t0 l0ok..
g0t 1 $30, $22 & $21.9o
s0 exp. l0rhs.. -.-

dhen we t0ok ph0t0s.. ahaas !

[ silly & me l0okinqq at b0i b0is ]
teehees ` -

dhen we went t0 msl mrt bel0w dere..
it c0sts $10 f0rhh silly..
stil exp. s0 we went 300+ dere..
& its 0nly $5 !
wooHOO ! ]]
cut finish lerh dhen i went h0me..
t0ok 856..
& dere was dis malaysian b0i wh0 kept starinq at me wen i b0arded dha bus..
2nd time lerhs ! ytd 0s0 lyk dis !

change bus at center dere.. t0ok 913 & went h0me..
haf t0 d0 newspaper rep0rt..
dhen i lazy t0 d0..
ask wei kiat help me t0 d0..
dhen i c0l him & he tel me dhen i write d0wn..

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:35 PM

tuesdae 220806
had sci test t0dae..
we 0s0 haf chi spellinq & test.. -.-
didn't study at all !
ahhhs !
went t0 library as usual durinqq recess.. -.-
went back t0 klass ltr.. DUH !
saw a bee hive .. *buzz*
0utside dha 2nd fl0or t0ilet was a.. erm..
wad d0 euu c0l dat?
0h wadeva..
dhen me & qinx were walkinqq t0 0ur klass..
while lingx st0p at dat tingy dere..
ask us t0 c.. -.-
dhen i sae "dat pers0n n0e lingx wil read it s0 dha pers0n put it dere"
ahaas.. dhen dha m0re we saed dha m0re n0nsensical? it was..

eng less0ns.. mr l0w stared at me 3 times ! 3 !
scary l0rh he !
art less0ns.. g0ta d0 pair w0rk..
alan wana d0 wif me.. l0ls..
c0z andika & blahblahblah's art was.. erm. *pui*
ahaas.. he ask me t0 jia y0u..
if i d0 a g0od j0b he b back my er zi..
l0ls.. bhb ! ahaas..
g0t back 0ur test paper durinqq maths less0ns..
'la0 g0ng' g0t higher dhen me leyhs ! 0.0*

went t0 cw after sch wif qinx & lingx.
b0ught ball balls.. YUM YUM !
dey had t0 bind their art.. nided t0 hand in by t0dae..
it t0ok 15 mins.. s0 we b0ught 0ur balls & ate s0mewhere near dere..
finish lerh we went up t0 take & went back t0 sch..
had MEC marhs.. & we were late ! [who cares?]
had t0 stae f0rhh 3omins after cca..
detenti0n? >.<
dhen we help ms ng durinqq dat 3omins..
& g0t a strange guy dat keep starinqq at me l0rhs !
scary n0hs ! ~.~
dhen i gave him a inn0cent face..

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:07 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

mondae 21o8o6
sian sian lehs..
nth tuhh d0 n0w..
edited my lil' tings in my bl0qq..
n0w im s0 b0red !
g0 ply 02-jam marhs?
tmr stil haf cca..
sian lehs !

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 3:14 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

mondae 14o8o6 - sundae 2oo8o6
bz bz week neyhs.. xD
many tings happened bt n0t g0na write everyting...
juz t0o many lerhs.. =))
nth realy very interestinqq happened 0n m0ndae... -.-?

l0st my wallet 0n tuesdae... s0bs. x'(
bt had l0ts 0f fun durinqq MEC. me & Q kept laughing at dha ph0t0s.
dha ph0t0s were taken durinqq dha science week..
ling'x face was lyk piggy ! hahas.. xp
foo chuan wei's eyes were cl0sed as usual..
ahaars ; si jing was pregnant

wednesdae -- qinx, lingx & me were punished..
wahahahas ` !
c0z we went t0 dha library & dha librarian c0mplained b0ut us t0 mr l0w..
dhen we stand 0utside dha library f0rhh 20mins..
xiang r0ng bcame my la0 g0ng & alan bcame my er zi.. LOLS !
dha family tree :

went tuhh ply bball wif silly & lao gong after sch..
he b0ught r0jak t0 eat while we were plying.. ahaars ;
gg freak t0t i was lao gong's gf.. hahas..
t0ld him he is my la0 g0ng & he believed..

we didn't haf assembly durinqq thursdae..
s0 Ms Ng came in f0rhh less0ns..
bt it was fun !
me & er zi keep sab0-inqq ppl !
` wooHOO ! ]]
dhen bryan & iqbal danced f0rhh us..
LOLS ! dey d0 th0se dance dat ppl d0 at balls..
ahaars ;
went t0 cw t0 eat wif qinx & lingx after sch..
we ply until.... WOW !
hahas.. wei siang was 0s0 dere & he was lo.. xDD
attitude pr0b guy !

P.E 0n fridae was yippiie !
we f0rmed a 1m3 ch0ir..
wahahahas ` !
s0me 0f us were plying & s0me 0f us were singinqq ?
zul went berserk durinqq science less0ns juz bc0z ms ng ask him t0 rmb wer he put his worksheet.. -.-
ms ng cried as wad i heard fr0m 0ther ppl..
dhen iqbal made a mistake & sae its ms ng b'dae?
me & lingx went t0 bugis after sch.. fun fun fun ! =))
i saw dis cute lil' piggy !

g0na buy it next time i g0 ! xD LOVE it !
so cute l0rhs cn?
we 0s0 t0ok ne0print :

wen we were at seiyu, we saw a sharkiie..
dhen i ask lingx tuhh take ph0t0 wif him..
hahas ! so fun-niie !
if euu wana c, c0me find me wen i g0t bring hp !
xDD s0 nice l0rhs ! xp

slept til 3.30pm c0z g0t sh0w tuhh watch..
nth else lerhs.. BORING dae !

lazy t0 d0 dha ge0 hw..
-..- xD
er zi draw derhs :

he juz t0 free lerhs..
iLOVEhim w0rs !

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:25 PM

Sunday, August 13, 2006

saturdae 12o8o6
w0ke up at 4.33pm t0dae ! w0ws !
wahahahas ` !
teehees ` -
slept until s0 late again....
c0z its saturdae !
its great dat i cn slp til s0 late wif dat purple patch dere..
hahas.. i wan it t0 heal fast !
me wana ply bball & badmint0n...
s0bs. x'(

well, dis is a pic dat bp jie draw f0rhh me long time aq0.. =))
i lurve her l0ts !

bt me d0n0 wer is she lerhs.. s0bs.
bao ping ! waaas ! `

iiWANbaopingJIE'x !
iiWANbaopingJIE'x !
iiWANbaopingJIE'x !

hmmx.. h0w i knew her..
she was my sistarh's fren..
den she wld 0waes c0me t0 my hs derhs..

bt 0ne dae she st0pped c0ming..
she was sent t0 girls h0me..
s0bs. x'(
bt n0w i tink she released lerh barhs..

smthg i drew wen i was b0red ! :

nth else t0 write lerhs..
st0p here barhs..

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:07 PM

Friday, August 11, 2006

fridae 11o8o6
lingx came t0 my hs after sch...
she wanted t0 waste my water....
& i t0ld dis t0 ppl wh0 chatted wif me in msn..
l0ls ! wahahahas ` !
ME :
AMANDA - * ] - Life is 0waes chanqinqq. says:
t0 wash her feet...
AMANDA - * ] - Life is 0waes chanqinqq. says:
wash her hands
AMANDA - * ] - Life is 0waes chanqinqq. says:
wash her m0uth...
AMANDA - * ] - Life is 0waes chanqinqq. says:
wash the plates she used....
btw, she fell int0 the drain..
kn0cked her head & was send t0 h0spital f0r immediate operati0n..
the d0ct0rs tried their best but stil the operati0n failed...
s0bs ! marmiie !!!!! y muz g0 s0 suddenly ?
my b'dae haven reach & euu haven gif me my present !
& qin'x present euu fr0m dat dae stil haven gif... !
s0bs ! marmiie !!

pls d0 n0t panic. dis is 0nly a j0ke ! xP

smthg i created myself:
smile even if i wack euur ass ! ™ ✖)

an0ther st0riie ?! i keep putting ppl's pic as my dp !
wahahahas ` !
the pics i put :

[ d0n0 y he n0w s0 *pui* he real life d0n l0ok lyk dat derhs.. ]

[ dis l0oks lyk alan.. bt his n0t alan ! ]
// alan d0esn't l0ok lyk dat.... \
* ___ dada : iHATEeuu bt iLOVEeuu
hais.. s0bs.

wednesdae o9o8o6
w0ke up early in the m0rning at 10+..
cldn't slp c0z 0f my leg was in pain...
s0bs. watch POG..

den went t0 watch xiang r0ng & alan ply bball..
qinx 0s0 went..
i & qinx watch 0nly.. nvr ply.. den we went t0 buy tings..
den sam & a l0t 0f 0ther ppl came..
m0st 0f us r msl's !
wooHOO ! `

m0re & m0re ppl were c0ming..
den went t0 sit d0wn wif xiang r0ng..
ask y he nvr ply wif alan..
he sae dey r pros.. he ply sure......
den we chat t0gether l0rhs..
the bball hit qinx twice.. hahas..
luckily i g0t xiang r0ng in fr0nt 0f me ! wahahahas ` !

gg freak was 0s0 plying bball..
den ply finish the match lerhs he sat behind xiang r0ng..
ask wh0 amanda.. den i turn behind..
he ask me if i lyk wee peng?
WT [ toot ]
here it came again... x'(
stupid ppl spreading rumours !
arghhs !

xiang r0ng b0rr0wed my hp t0 listen t0 the t0nes..
yao zu heard smthg he lyked? den he 0s0 b0rr0wed my hp?
gg freak : g0t bluetooth?
me : nopx..
gg freak : infared?
me : n0px..
gg freak : den h0w euu send tings?
me : mms
gg freak : wahh.. so rich..
me : -_-

den he sae g0t s0me 0f the t0nes he lyk derhs..
ask me if i cn send.. l0ls..
y muz i send him w0rs.. & waste m0ney...
den i sae i n0t dat rich.. hahas..
he went t0 ply bball awhile ltr..
aaron came 0s0.. red shirt guy 0s0...

xiang r0ng wait f0rhh alan's match t0 finish & dey went t0 buy drinks..
den came back & chat again..
den alan wana ply badminton..
s0 we went t0 badmint0n c0urt l0rhs..
dey ply & me & qinx watch..
we were high high int0 the sky !
c0z its national dae !
& i w0re a white fps shirt & qinx w0re a red fps shirt !
hahas.. den after dat.............
[ d0n feel lyk saying ]
hais~ den i was d0wn..
aar0n = hl flirt ! xD

saw fu ming, green shirt guy & nvr wear shirt guy 0s0..
qinx detest him.. c0z he make her insecure..
den aaron, gg freak, dono who, sam & eric came t0 badmint0n c0urt..
sae dey wana ply badmint0n..
den dey t0ok turns..
aaron face changed wen he listened t0 zhi zu.... =S ???
after a time, badmint0n c0urt 0nly left me, qinx, xiang r0ng, alan, aaron & sam.
s0me chat & s0me ply..
went h0me at 8pm...
qinx was stil dere wen i left.
didn't realy haf any mood to chat..

ate... bathed & washed my leg.
it was lyk s0 damn pain !
den i cried due t0 the ernomous pain. x'(
l0ls.. chim !
ate panadol & the pain sibsided.. x)
panadol the hero of the dae ! =)) YAY !
nth m0re lerhs...

[ l0ving s0me0ne is jus..... HARD. ]

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:59 PM

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

tuesadae o8o8o6
PAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
t0dae, i fell d0wn................
waaa ! x'(
pain & pain..
& lingx l0oking at wad im writing n0w.. -_-"
sec 0nes w0n the match vs the sec tw0s !
we rule !
wahahahas ` !
=)) teehees...
we went t0 watch the click..
its 3 in 1 !
hahahs !
its RA, t0uching & funniie !
the d0g keep d0ing "IT" wif the t0y duckiie..
hahahahahahas ~
& a pers0n's name..
den dey keep saying wr0ngly..
den sae until chewing gum..

tuesdae o8o8o6
t0dae i was very quiet in the mrning c0z i t0ld myself n0t t0 help qinx wen alan bullying her...
c0z...... hais... nvm !

8.45am. went t0 change int0 p.e..
g0t ready f0rhh the game..
didn't n0e dat the wh0le l0wer sec was g0na watch us ply.. ~_~
the sec 0nes VS the sec tw0s.
0ur gr0up haf wu ming, wincent, marcus, forget lerhs?, silly, yue ting & me.. xD
ply & ply.. & i fell d0wn during the first half.. g0t up & c0ntinued plying..
wasn't realy feeling any pain as i was c0ncentrating 0n the game..
but wen i l0ok at it ltr it was bleeding & i didn't t0t dat it wld b dat seri0us..
blood was gushing 0ut... [ n0t dat seri0us.. i juz l0ve t0 exaggerate.. ]
& i cld c my flesh.. yum ! hahas..

went t0 wash after the first half.. & c0ntinued plying....
ply until the game ended.. & we w0n !
wahahahas ` !
silly & yue ting bring me g0 GO put medicine...
den mr ang help us..
he put the alc0hol thingy...
s0 pain ! waaas ! x'(

den wen we went back & the match VS the chers has started..
we 3 stil wanted t0 ply marhs..
s0 we wait f0rhh sec0nd half, ask t0 change ppl..
den katreena & the 0ther gal 0s0 wana ply..
den ask the b0is t0 ch0ose..
den me & yue ting c0ntinue plying..
& n0w alan & jun jie? 0s0 in the team..
the tw0 gerls were s0 pissed.. l0ls..

sec0nd half 0f the game :
at the hall g0t singing c0mpetit0n marhs..
den g0t the s0ng tian mi mi..
i heard the guy wif specs sing "shi ni ! shi ni ! "
hahas.. l0ls..
saw alan s0mewer 0pp0site me...
l0oked int0 his eyes & ....... [ d0n wan tel euu xD ]
juz lyk dat time in the art r0om, the malay guy..
hmms.. d0n0 its 0n 25o7 0r o4o8...
d0n realy rmb lerhs.. bt i felt smthg..

after the match wif the chers, i went t0 put the medicine again...
s0bs ! s0 pain the alc0hol !
Ms Ng saed she was m0ved by my acti0ns..
l0ls.. c0z i stil c0ntinue plying marhs..
den g0na g0 t0 cw....
walking... den a gal came & ask wh0 is amanda..
den ask if i lyk wee peng arhs?
WT [ toot ] l0rhs..
grrs.. ppl keep anyh0w spread rum0urs... -_-
Mr l0w saw me & sae i plyed well......
den we went t0 watch click..
3 in 1 ! met xiang r0ng & azizi, qinx & wei ting after we watched..
went t0 eat & walk walk..
den went h0me..

lingx came t0 my hs.she nded t0 wait f0rhh her m0ther t0 fetch her..
went t0 eat dinner wif her & chatted til 7.30pm & went h0me.

m0ndae o7o8o6
f0rg0t wad happen lerhs ! teehees ` -
0nli rmb dat i nvr g0 anywer after sch & f0und 0ut wh0 wee peng is..

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 3:24 PM

Sunday, August 06, 2006

sundae o6o8o6
blogged & blogged..
s0 many daes derhs..
g0na ply 02 jam ltr.
=)) ZzzzZzz...
wh0 is wee peng? !?

shld i continue to???

went t0 ply bball wif alan & xiang r0ng after i turned 0ff the c0m..
ask qinx t0 c0me bt she sae she wana watch tv.. ~.~
den blk8 derh bbc g0t ppl plying bball & s0ccer s0 we went t0 blk 5 t0 c..
g0t ppl plying s0ccer dere 0s0 s0 we went t0 msl cc..
saw eric, chun wai & 0ther questi0n marks..
the eric saying alan is my stead? huh.......
den sae everytime c me in sch derhs..
den dey went t0 center..

xiang r0ng was plying wif the lift : door opening. doors closing. & repeat & repeat.
i c0lled bi, ask her if she wana c0me..
den she 0s0 d0n wan c0me ; wana watch tv.. ~.~
same as zhutou.. the bbc dere 0s0 g0t ppl using s0 we went back t0 blk 8 l0rhs..
wen g0in back, alan keep plying if the bball..
den he thr0w behind -- xiang r0ng dreaming..
l0ls.. den hit xiang r0ng..
wen at blk 8 derh bbc lerhs, xiang r0ng & alan ply ABC [ 123 ]

den 0s0 g0t indian & chi ppl plying s0ccer..
their goal posts was in between the tw0 p0les which i was standing at..
den g0t a guy ask me n0t t0 stand dere..
i walked awae den went back dere again..
den he sae d0n stand dere.. lyk WT [ toot ]
dey n0t supp0sed t0 ply here den wan me t0 siam.?!
ME : y i cnnt stand here? in the first place, euur shldn't b plying here..
dis is a bbc lehs ! & is f0rhh ppl t0 ply bball ..
HIM [ fcuker ] : we everytime c0me here ply
ME [ lic? ] : dere g0t s0ccer field cnnt ply dere mehs?
den he ign0red me & c0ntinued plying ! AGRHHHSSSS !!!!!!!! WACKS !
suan lia0 l0rhs ! i n0e dey big sized !
& alan & xiang r0ng nvr d0 anyting.. ~~~~____~~~~~

c0l qinx tel her g0t 10 ppl bully me.. ask her help me sc0ld dem.. l0ls..
den she sae she w0n c0me d0wn.. ~.~ & teach me t0 thr0w the bball at their kok. -.-
den we ply match 2 vs 1. i & xiang r0ng vs alan..
g0t 0ne part wen i was g0na sh0ot, alan suddenly bl0ck me..
den i d0n0 y my legs bcame w0bbily... ~~~
den i kneel d0wn.. l0ls.. ply & ply.. & alan w0n..

dono who kick the ball & hit at xiang r0ng.. den he nvr d0 anyting..
th0se stupid fools 0s0 nvr sae sry? [ ARGHSSSS ! WACK WACK WACK !! ]
den ltr.. it happened again.. & the ball hit me...
s0me ppl were even clapping & laughing & saying "good !"
WTF !!!! AHHHHHHHHH ! assh0les seyhs !
arghs ! suan lia0 ! f0rhhget it larhs !!!!! [
!@#$%& ]

went t0 buy drinks.. alan lyk t0 burp.. haha..
den drink finish we went back.. the ******* sae 10 m0re mins & dey g0in..
s0 let dem ply.. i sae d0n wan bt alan sae cn larhs..
..... dotz. den nvm l0rhs.. s0 we went t0 ply grnd t0 wait..
den qinx c0l me.. sae make a deal.. d0n ply bball.. ply badmint0n..
den 0n larhs ! hahas.. den i ask my maid t0 bring the net, racket & shuttle cock? d0wn..
den me & qinx d0n0 h0w t0 tie the net marhs.. den alan help us..
hahas... den we ply l0rhs..

alan's father came t0 fetch him at 7+...
den we c0ntinued plying....
its lyk s0 damn fun ~ !
den we ply 2 vs 1.
SUDDENLY ! ......
g0t ppl ask us t0 ply wif dem.......
hahas.. dere was fu ming, red shirt guy & nvr wear shirt guy..
qinx was s0 ps & insecure bc0z 0f HIM... the homo...
jk ! den he sae ply 7 balls 0nly....
qin's excuse was : " we g0ing h0me s0on lerhs "
me : nvm larhs ! ply larhs ! hahas..
me : ply 5 balls kaes?
nvr wear shirt guy : 0kae l0rhs.

qinx, xiang r0ng & fu ming 0ne gr0up..
me wif the nvr wear shirt guy & red shirt guy 0ne gr0up..
& we w0n ! wahahahas ` !
during the game, the nvr wear shirt guy keep checking wif qinx...
l0ls.. den he ask f0rhh her name..
qin'x : my name is da tou..
"naked" guy : haha.. cn c fr0m dat..

we went h0me after dat....... & i b0ught ice-cream.. l0ls.. -_-

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 2:48 PM

saturdae o5o8o6
i slept at 10+pm ytd nite & w0ke up at 3.30pm t0dae..
wahahahas ` ! shi0k !
finished my art & watch superband..
MLB rocks ! dey s0 cute neyhs !
hahas.. den watch anger management..
msg wif jason,wei kiat, silly & xiang r0ng..
den went t0 bed..

b o r i n g d a e -

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 2:39 PM

fridae o4o8o6

lazy t0 bl0g in lerhs ! dats y i scan in ^ hahas..
xD lalalas ~
dat lingx keep t0king crap. grrs..
bishes !!!
wee peng 0g 2m2 ! wh0 r euu ?

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 2:25 PM

thursdae o3o8o6
english less0ns.
Mr L0w : take a thermometer t0 measure if its 1st degree burn 0r wad.
l0ls.. Qinx : 1st degree n0t s0 seri0us.. 3rd degree very seri0us..
l0ls ! wahahahas ` ! laugh & laugh ! & st0mach pain..
den i hit my knee.. was g0na sae fcuk..
den tchr t0t i smiling?
den he ask colonel y i smiling..
colonel : she hit herself
mr low : injured herself stil smiling?
l0ls.. den c0l0nel's laughter was s0 strange & funniie..
den qinx laugh at him..
assembly time.. xiang r0ng & alan sit infr0nt 0f me & silly..
we keep making dem sit up straight 0therwise we tickle dem..
l0ls.. after sch, me, qinx, lingx & irene went t0 cw..
saw joseph at the bus st0p.. he sae dat time my presentati0n 0n stage very sian..
l0ls.. boarded the bus.. joseph, toby & the guy wif the specs. was infr0nt 0f me..
while qinx & lingx were infr0nt 0f joseph.. den the guy wif the specs tel me dat........
[ exact details will n0t be discl0sed ] sry f0rhh the inconvenience caused !
den i sae i n0e.. l0ng ag0 n0e lerh l0rhs.. qinx heard me sae dat..
den d0n wan t0 g0 tink & c0ntinued plying wif lingx..
wen g0na reach cw, the specs guy ask f0rhh my name..
we went t0 eat Mc after we g0t d0wn the bus..
we at first nvr sae anyting derhs.. nth t0 sae...
bt after dat we s0 cra-ziie ! put all the tings very neatly..
qinx at dere teaching us h0w t0 f0ld.. l0ls..
& i kip laughing & my st0mach was in pain..
den all f0ld hao lerhs, we arrange &amp; put it all t0gether..
& t0ok a photo :

den lingx & irene went t0 clementi..
me & qinx walk ar0und cw..
saw ms tan at mini toons..
walk here & dere..
den qinx wanted t0 buy smthg at comic connections..
she reach f0rhh her purse bt cldn't find it..
went t0 Mc t0 find bt failed..
b0ught sushi & went h0me..
reached h0me & dere was 2 cha s0ba waitinqq f0rhh me !
had s0 many delicious f0od t0dae.. wahahahas ` !
t h e e n d

am i chanqinqq bc0z 0f euu?

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:55 PM

wednesdae o2o8o6
alan msg me at 6.33am ask if he cn c0l me t0 ask smthg..
alan : muz bring the sp0rt sh0e t0 sch 0r cn wear t0 sch?
me : d0n0 lehs..
alan : euu nvr bring mehs?
me : n0px..
alan : 0kae l0rhs.. bb..
LOLS.. den f0rhh the first time he reached sch later den me & qinx..
we went t0 library during recess lyk 0ther daes..
g0t hist0ry test s0 we t0ok 0ur b0oks t0 study l0rhs..
current affairs was b0ut speak g0od english..
j0seph came in t0 find ODAC ppl & ppl in 0ur klass were crazy sh0uting his name..
l0ls.. 0ne e.g 0f the thingy ms ng let ue read was :
Hotel bedroom, India :
You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid at any hour. She alway's happy t0 help in any way.
LOLS ! wahahahas ` ! we were all laughing at s0 many things..
english less0ns..
Mr Low : if i were you sitting there sotong sotong lyk dat.
l0ls.. "sotong" hahas..
hist0ry less0n ! hist0ry test ! gave alan answer f0rhh Q2b 0ops.. xD
Ms Lee explain t0 us the imp0rtance 0f inference after the test..

we went t0 ply bball after dat.. i was lyk high high int0 the sky wen g0in t0 blk 8..
alm0st g0t hit by the car.. bt silly pulled me..
XY, YT, KL, qinx & me went t0 buy smthg t0 snack 0n bfr0hh plying..
den ply match again.. g0t int0 gr0ups.. felt d0wn after the ch0osing 0f ppl..
bc0z 0f him marhs ?
didn't realy wana put in effort f0rhh the game c0z sure l0se derhs..
c0z alan, xiang r0ng, yue ting & qinx 0ne gr0up..
& me, andika, silly & ke ling 0ne gr0up..
den lingx derh sh0e sp0il den juz nice yan kang came..
s0 he t0ok 0ver lingx.. we ply & ply & ply..
den eric & tall tall guy came.. dey j0in 0ur game..
den vincent 0s0 c0me.. & we turned the tables.. & we w0n.. :DD
dere was a c0ach dere saying d0n0 wad shit?

we went back t0 sch f0rhh napfa.. t0ok his h0tmail address fr0m y0ng jian..
silly retest the shuttle run c0z she fail by o.4 secs..
bt in the end stil fail.. alan dey all ply bball..
we went t0 canteen.. saw vincent & he was drinking 100 plus..
t0ok a few sips fr0m him.. teehees..
& g0na reach canteen lia0 saw jia xin & she 0s0 drinking 100plus..
s0 t0ok a few sips fr0m her 0s0.. hahas..
den we[ yt, silly, lingx, qinx & me ] b0ught 0ur 0wn drinks & sit d0wn in canteen..
qinx cried c0z she was reminded 0f dan.. s0bs.
den we went h0me..
t h e e n d

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:27 PM

tuesdae o1o8o6
lingx was n0t here t0dae again.. ms Ng & mr Low 0s0..
had t0 g0 t0 cca after sch bt did n0t.. haha..
xiang r0ng, yan kang, alan, yue ting, qinx & me went t0 ply bball.. :DD
after awhile, jia xin & saliha came..
ply match.. qinx, saliha, xiang r0ng & alan 0ne gr0up..
den the rest in the 0ther gr0up.. duhh..
t0t andika wasn't c0ming bt he came..
0ur gr0up was l0sing s0 he j0in 0ur gr0up & help us..
ply finish 0ne game, we gerls wanted t0 practise 0ur sh0oting..
den g0t a l0nely guy haf a bball bt n0t plying s0 we lend fr0m him..

practice finish lerhs, return the ball & went t0 ply match again..
den jx, saliha & andika had t0 g0.. s0 bb ! yue ting 0s0 went wif dem..
the 3 guys d0n0 ply wad game den i & qinx b0rr0wed the ball again & ply 0urselfs.
ALAN : " 0h my m0ther g0sh " l0ls..
den ltr g0t 0ther sch derh ppl c0me.. alan & xiang r0ng ply wif dem bt yan kang nvr..
sae he hungry cnnt ply.. l0ls.. den a green shirt guy ply wif dem..
yan kang sit d0wn & watch dem ply while me & qinx g0 0ther side & ply..
we thr0w & thr0w the ball.. den we tired lia0s s0 we sit d0wn & rest l0rhs..
& listened t0 my mp3.. den we ply again.. qinx impr0ved a l0t.. GRATZ ! :DD
den qinx went h0me.. left me wif the guys..

tw0 lil' b0i came al0ng.. l0ls.. den g0t s0 many balls seyhs..
i keep snatching the bball wif yan kang.. l0ls..
den we ply match wif the lil' b0is..
after awhile, eric,han liang & ???? came.. dey sae wan ply 5 vs 3..
nahh... @.@
after dat danger0us ppl came 0s0.. dey ply wif HL dey all..
den we use the 0ther c0urt.. xiang r0ng drank the water left in sch f0rhh 1 dae..
i ply awhile m0re den went h0me lerhs..
t h e e n d

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 1:10 PM

Friday, August 04, 2006

m0ndae 31o7o6
lingx nvr c0me t0 sch.. s0bs.
8.45am. CME less0n. alan & ridzwan keep t0uching each 0ther..
lyk the face, hand & esp. the chest..
den alan sae ridzwan's face very sm00th.. ~_~
den dey keep saying, "Drink to Feel it" [ t0ok fr0m c0l0nel's b0ttle ]
h0ng xing 0s0 keep l0oking my der.. den i tel alan..
& alan keep giving him flying kisses.. l0ls..
den T & E less0n s0 shuang.. ms ne0 0s0 g0 the turtle thingy..
den we all ply the c0m, nvr d0 0ur research..
& m0st 0f us g0 t0 the klass bl0g.. =))

iqbal saed " time fly. WAHH ! " in maths less0n.. l0ls..
den lingx came t0 maths less0n.. =)) we sh0ut her name lyk sia0..
l0ls.. den g0na meet seng yau.. at first silly acc0mpany me derhs..
bt she nvr g0, ling g0.. =))
s0 we g0 l0t 1.. saw him lerh den he sae he nid t0 g0... ~_~
den bye bye l0rhs.. den lingx very angry wif him.. @.@
den we hackare him & g0 eat Mc.
den ling bu gan yuan.. s0 she c0l him ask wer he..
s0 n0isy seyhs wen he listen dat time..
den lingx ask wer him he sae he at c0mic c0nnecti0n..
& g0ing back t0 sch lerhs.. WT[toot].. juz n0w sae g0in back t0 sch..
n0w 0s0 lyk dat sae.. GRRR.. suan lia0 l0rhs..
den eat finish, i went h0me & lingx went t0 HMT.
t h e e n d

__*dha mem0ries will be kept @ 2:14 PM


- amanda
- sec 2
- fps mslss
- netballer (:


netball :D
all her gans` .
her budds & dudes


` my own room :D
` my own computer :D
` my gans` to be happy :D
` sharon & qinhui to be happy always
` get a position in the school team
` watch the sunset
` peace in life
` a new hairstyle
` learn how to sinq and dance ><
` more clothes ^^
` jacket
` happiness ^^



BIBI x333
XIN YI x33
1m3'o6 x33
6f'o5 x33
6f'o5 no. 2 x33


June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


1 Jan 07 - xinyi jie's birthday
18 Jan 07 - sharon jie's birthday
22 Jan 07- netball tournament
26 Jan 07 - xiaoyin's birthday
30 Jan 07 - netball tournament
1 Feb 07 - sly ke ai's birthday
3 Feb 07 - yue tinq's birthday
6 Feb 07 - TANK's b'dae, netball tournament
27 Feb 07 - yan kanq's birthday
15 Mar 07 - ron's birthday
20 Mar 07 - jia mei's birthday
26 Mar 07 - qinhui's birthday
16 Apr 07 - andrew's birthday
17 Apr 07 - jinq chenq kor's birthday
25 Apr 07 - angel mei's birthday
28 Apr 07 - xianq ronq's bithday
7 May 07 - briana's birthday
11 May 07 - jason's birthday
13 May 07 - andika's birthday
18 May 07 - wei jie kor's birthday
19 May 07 - sihui's birthday
8 Jun 07 - JT's birthday
18 Jun 07 - bibi's birthday
9 Jul 07 - alan's birthday
18 Jul 07 - jia xin's birthday
12 Aug 07 - jin shenq kor's birthday
20 Sep 07 - ridzwan's birthday
13 Oct 07 - chin boon's birthday
4 Nov 07 - alex pa's birthday
13 Nov 07 - dai wei's birthday
19 Nov 07 - xin yi's birthday
6 Dec 07 - azizi's birthday
30 Dec 07 - jasman kor's birthday

# . L0VEme